- T.S. Eliot "We shall never cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."

"Visits of the Capricious Zephyr" is complete. 

- hi buddy, I'm playing this Friday at Dao Sushi in Orland, hope you can stop by 9.30-11.30.  I listened to your CD, it's a blast.  there are some really original ideas on there and a lot of the songs were hilarious which was refreshing.  take care, Rockin' Johnny Burgin

 "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."  --George Orwell 

What can I say except that I LOVE the lyrics, you are amazing and obviously very talented. Bravo!  Love, Edie

Michael A. Anthony


Visits of The Capricious Zephyr