  1. Yazoo Deux

From the recording Yazoo Deux

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The famous story of "Carmen" set in a small town military base in Mississippi.


Y A Z O O    D E U X
Anthony-Hansen - Copyright 2013
Well I kissed a champagne lady and I drank from her shoe.     
So she took me upstairs to see my brand new tattoo        
I was dancing on her mattress and commencing to shout             
When a Louisville slugger knocked me over and out 
Tattooed, black and blue in Yazoo City.
I had 13 hundred dollars and my ironed shirt on
Now my picture of Bo Diddly and my lucky twenty is gone.
They took my cash, took my stash in Yazoo City.
But I’d go back in a flash to Yazoo City
bridge -
If you want to wake up with your drawers on
And your honey and your money to not be gone
If you never want to get the Yazoo City Blues
Write a letter to your mama and spit-shine your shoes
Now it looked like Mardi Gras at the county jail.
When Champagne and her entourage came to make my bail
Subdued and tattooed in Yazoo City
On the scene with the green in Yazoo City
Making a scene with the queen in Yazoo City
bridge #2 -
If losing is what you dread, 
Quit while you’re behind and you’ll be ahead, 
If the new world order is what you choose, 
Then you never want to get these Yazoo City Blues
Don’t take more than one sleepless night to discover
Champagne Lady got more than one other lover
Tattooed, black and blue in Yazoo City.
They took my cash. She took my stash in Yazoo City.
But I’d go back in a flash in Yazoo City